On Anzac Day, Australians across the country commemorate those who served, fought and perished in the Australian and New Zealand forces. Over time, the significance of the day has extended to those who were on the opposite side of the battles.
Here is the Ode of Remembrance in Amharic:
እነርሱን እርጅና አያገኛቸውም፤ እኛ ለእርጅና እንደተዳረግን ሁሉ።
ዕድሜ ለድካም አይዳርጋቸውም፤ ዓመታትም አይኮኑኗቸውም።
ፀሐይ ስትጠልቅና ጎህ ሲቀድ

Roll of Honour Australian War Memorial Credit: Fiona Silsby for AWM 2016.8.157.4

Amharic: The Ode of Remembrance
SBS Audio