We’ve all heard the saying, ‘you are what you eat’, but what about how, where and why we eat? Boost your mood with these eight food ideas that range from diet and dining out to sharing and social conscience – you’ll be smiling in no time! (And if you want more ideas for creating a happier you, and a happier world, embrace the aims of ).
1. Get happy on hormones
We often hear about boosting serotonin through sunshine and exercise, so why not up your dose through your diet? This brain chemical, involved in regulating mood and sleep patterns, is made by the essential amino acid tryptophan. Research indicates those with a diet lacking tryptophan can, as a result, experience increased levels of aggression and irritability as well as . Emily Hazell, the owner of Melbourne’s , says her business came about after she noticed how many people, herself included, were stuck in a “stimulant cycle” of coffee, sugary snacks and alcohol. Working with a food scientist and a dietician, she developed a menu bursting with tryptophan-packed foods such as bananas (try our ), , and . “These are all complex carbohydrates that have a low GI, which stabilises your mood,” she explains.
Flour-free banana and coconut pancakes. Source: Green Kitchen Stories
2. Be adventurous
confirm what we already thought (or hoped!) to be true – new experiences are a more effective way to increase long-term happiness than material purchases. What better way to put this research to the test than with food? Just like taking Spanish lessons or learning to play guitar, expanding your food horizons can help to keep you curious and engaged. Get experimental in the kitchen and try cooking a or cuisine you might not usually attempt (we have recipes from more than 100 national cuisines, from and to and – take a look ) . When you head out to eat, try a new restaurant or order something from the menu you wouldn’t normally go for. You may just discover a new favourite dish.
3. Munch mindfully
Mindfulness has been to have positive effects on wellbeing. However, when it comes to eating, many of us are missing out on its benefits. Australian clinical mindfulness consultant Charlotte Thaarup-Owen of describes mindful eating as “eating with attention and intention,” suggesting that if we consider how many mouthfuls we eat mindlessly, we often realise that it is most of them. “We work to earn money so we can eat, then we buy the food, we cook (or eat out and pay), we eat and miss [the experience]!” Charlotte emphasises that food is much more than a function, it is a gift. “[Mindful eating] brings gratitude and appreciation, which of course we know brings happiness,” she says. To become a mindful eater, try to chew your food slowly while paying attention to the tastes and textures in your mouth.
4. Veg out on variety
It seems we need a friendly reminder to eat our greens. “One of the biggest differences between what Australians eat and what is recommended in the is around vegetables,” says Clare Collins, a Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle. She advises that eating a wide selection of fresh, meals is an important and effective way to boost our mood with food. “If you’re able to make a big vegetable salad that includes lots of colours (like our below), then your micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – are more likely to be optimal.” Fill up on an array of seasonal vegetables and there’ll be less room for rubbish food or thoughts.
This salad brings together a powerhouse mix of vegetables, including sweet potato, cauliflower and zucchini. Source: Nikki To
5. Share a meal with friends
We all appreciate that food brings people together, but you may not know that sharing a meal with loved ones could extend your life expectancy. has shown that people with strong relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. “When we talk about food and happiness, it has effects on so many levels,” says Professor Collins. “The act of cooking and sharing food, especially with family and friends, and the pleasure that brings, is a really important way to encourage food behaviours that promote happiness and connectedness in society.” Invite your mum, your mate or your neighbour around and whip up your favourite recipe, or jump onto a communal table next time you’re eating out and strike up a conversation with fellow diners.
6. Turn to the dark side
Can’t fight the 3pm sweet craving? Reach for a square of dark chocolate for a pick-me-up – have found it can reduce anxiety and increase contentedness. Who are we to argue? The benefits come from cocoa polyphenols, which interact with GABA receptors in the brain, so stick to the dark variety (try our ) and limit your intake – too much-refined sugar has been to affect mental health and cause mood swings.
Blood oranges dipped in chocolate. Source: SBS Food
7. Eat to give back
There could be more to that warm, fuzzy feeling we get from helping others than first thought – indicates altruism is fundamental to our health and happiness, finding a strong link between compassionate behaviour and wellbeing. Make your mind (and the world) a happier place by shopping local and choosing ethical products where possible for a twofold feel-good factor. When you eat out, choose restaurants that give back to the community, such as Sydney’s who donate 100 per cent of profits to charity, and not-for-profit , whose mission is to “provide a wholesome and nutritious meal where money is not a concern” by asking that customers pay only what they feel the meal was worth, fostering values of trust, generosity and respect. Enjoying delicious food for a good cause? Win-win!
8. Take time for tea
The very act of nursing a warm cup of tea between your hands after a stressful day can make your shoulders drop, however, its happiness-related benefits extend beyond soothing the senses. indicates L-theanine, the amino acid found in green tea, can reduce stress and help to improve sleep – certainly resulting in a happier disposition. Add green tea to your diet as a calming daily ritual, and reap the additional of polyphenols – powerful antioxidants found in every sip.