Greet your mother with ‘Bonjour!’ and deux baisers, before bequeathing croissants, coffee and a copy of Amelie. For this annual occasion we recommend upping the ante with ’s . Start the cheat’s pastry one day in advance and don’t forget the sea salt sprinkles!

It is upon entering adulthood that many of us begin to grasp how incredible our parents truly are. Take a literal approach to your breakfast offering and prepare mum a (emphasis on the Super). This beauty from also stars .

Source: Lindsey S. Love
If your mother’s a fan of daintier fare, prepare a plate of Polish . The will only boost appreciation.

Source: Feast magazine
So the paleo lifestyle has piqued your ma’s interest? Give her a pancake pat on the back! These from – featuring eggs, coconut milk and flour – are incredible, especially when served with berries, chia seeds and lashings of .

Source: Benito Martin
There are plenty of reasons the ladies love . He knows , can pack a and makes his own ! Your mum will feel even fonder when she tries Matt’s . The British egg and rice dish satisfies tastebuds morning, noon and night.

We’re sad to admit it’s “get sick” season, so orange juice isn’t an option – it’s an essential. Give mum ’s of carrot, orange, lemon, ginger, flaxseed and turmeric and help her fight the flu like a kung fu master.

7. The sweetest thing
If time is precious, but you want to please yo mama, take the pudding path. This Turkish stunner from pairs a with spiced . Let your chia seeds soak overnight and crumble quickly in the morning for a breezy and beautiful breakfast in bed.

Source: Benito Martin
Right now, thousands of mothers around the globe are crossing their fingers for a come Sunday. Store-bought are splendid, but if you’re prepared for a labour of love, try . Bagels, like mums, deserve respect, and that means all the trimmings: capers, red onion, lox and a lovely .

discovered when her in-laws cooked breakfast during an Adelaide stay. Served with salsa and a smattering of guac, Poh says the the are “one of the best brekkies I’ve had”. Right, where’s that frypan?!
For more breakfast in bed options, along with sweets and savouries that say, "Love ya Mum!", check out our .

Source: Randy Larcombe Photography
More on the most important meal of the day

9 reasons to eat rice for breakfast