
This ridiculously cute pup combines your two great loves

Dog and burgers. Dog and pizza. Dog and cake. Hello and welcome to heaven.

Popeye the foodie dog from Instagram

Popeye the Foodie actually likes dog treats better than the food he poses with so adorably. Source: Instagram

Do you like dogs? How about food? OF COURSE YOU DO, because they are the two best things in the universe.

Have we got a treat for you. Meet , the online puppy celeb that is winning the hearts and likes of dog-lovers all over the world. After the photo below went viral (because look at his face) this week, we had an excuse to find out more about a day in the life of Popeye.
Popeye lives in Los Angeles with his owners Mike and Anne, and enjoys a completely reasonable Instagram following of over 60,000 devoted Internet humans. His owners picked him up as a stray a few years ago, and they think he is probably about four years old. Popeye enjoys whining and dining with them, and drooling adoringly at large plates of food.
According to his owners, Popeye’s favourite human food is chicken, but he loves dog treats best. Popeye rarely gets camera-shy, and usually laps up all the attention. “He definitely doesn’t always cooperate,” his owners told SBS. “But we get him to look using dog treats.”

Let’s just paws for a moment and look at him again.
Popeye isn’t the only dog to reach puparazzi levels of online fame.

Meet , looking positively fetching here in their flannos. Digby and Alo live in New Zealand, but we’re thinking we can claim them, like pavlova or Crowded House.
Alo as life imitating art imitating your favourite weird Snapchat filter.
Oh, what’s that? You want MORE dogs? Meet , a Melbourne poodle pup who really loves ice cream.
Okay, fine, just one more. LOOK at from South Australia investigating this ball of ice.
Of course, we couldn't finish up without a visit to possibly the most heart-warming, funny doggie Instagram account of them all,  - only occasionally foodie, but impossible to resist! This doggie family even have two .
And because we can't resist, here's one more from Popeye ...




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2 min read
Published 5 August 2016 12:17pm
By Chloe Papas

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