Over eight episodes, watch the story of the Bentley Community Garden in Perth, Western Australia ('Like' our to follow the story) – a place that's been transformed from an empty lot in a notorious public housing precinct, into a community meeting place and a rich source of fresh produce.
If you're feeling inspired, we'll show you how you can transform your own plot into a thriving garden by following our weekly growing guide. Each episode reveals a different stage of the process, starting with planning, planting seedlings, growing herbs and spices and moving on to fruit trees, making compost and dealing with pests and diseases. By November you could be preparing a Harvest feast from your very own garden.
Eating something you’ve grown yourself guarantees you the freshest and tastiest food available, food that is high in nutrients and free of harmful chemical residues. Growing some of your own food also reduces your reliance on mass produced food that requires high inputs of fossil fuels. On top of all of this, gardening and growing food is just a great way to unwind and escape the madness of modern life.
Whether you're just starting out or if you already have a flourishing garden, we want to hear from you. The more growers we have in the community, the more opportunities there are to share tips, ideas and experiences, and with spring just around the corner, now is the time to start planting.
Phil Dudman of LandShare Australia is on hand to help you troubleshoot the challenges, so post your questions if you get stuck.
Of course, vegies are meant to be eaten so we’re really keen to get your favourite family recipes, be it soups, relishes, pickles or something more ambitious. We also want to see how your patch is coming along, so use the hash tag #SBSHarvest on Instagram, or let us know how you’re getting on.