If you’ve ever wondered how your favourite Pokemon would go chowing down on some real people food, two YouTubers have taken it upon themselves to demonstrate.
The men behind Wassabi Productions have put together a little video where they dress up as a string of creatures from Jigglypuff to Snorlax and Magikarp and sit down to a meal.
The result is a somewhat messy affair that fans of Pokemon GO are sure to appreciate.
Since the Pokemon juggernaut first started taking hold in the mid '90s, fans have been wondering a slightly more sinister thing; if Pokemon are like animals, do humans inside of the game eat their cute companions?
In an interesting analysis on the dilemma, notes that the cow-like Milktank Pokemon appears to be raised on some farms for their milk while Slowpoke tails were once discusses as being "tasty and delicious".
Not to mention this highly incriminating image.Luckily, in the latest version of the game, Pokemon GO, it's not really possible to boil up your favourite creature and have them for dinner.
Ash and Brock look pretty keen on eating that magikarp Source: Nintendo
Restaurants are joining in!
Restaurant owners are coaxing in more customers with Pokemon GO