We hear from one mother from our community in Sydney, Shamiran (Sammi) Sayad, who shares her views on the unique role of a mother and others who take on a motherly role.
Shamiran raised two daughters in Australia and has introduced them to keep their Assyrian identity close. Shamiran said 'a mother is the first school for children at home; a mother can be a friend and sister to her daughters and influence them a lot for the rest of their lives.
We were also invited to celebrate Mother's day at the AAS annual fundraiser held on Saturday, 7 May 2022 and hear from various committee members about the importance of celebrating mothers and our respect and value for them.
Assyrian voices around Australia and USA have sent their particular mother's day messages to us, shared in the podcast.
SBS Assyrian wishes a happy mother's day to all the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, aunts and anyone playing a motherly role in someone's life.