Health literacy for new emerging communities in NSW

Tobi Wilson (SESLHD), A/Prof Jane Lloyd, Qanita Ahmed, Dr Kerry Chant, Lisa Woodland, Director (MHCS)

Source: Supplied

Multucultural Health Week 2019 was held in NSW from the 2nd to 8th September. Health worker Ms Qanita Ahmed, represented on behalf of the Bangla speaking community, gave her speech on the inauguration day. She gives her valuable insight to the SBS Bangla about how communities can be benefited from this program.

Ms Qanita said the newcomers are confused about access to healthcare.

"They don't know where to go, where to get the information, how to know the right rules. So health literacy is the key to knowing what health information is, how to take action, and how to use it for yourself."
Multicultural Health
Ms Qanita Ahmed Source: Supplied
She said that the lack of adequate health information in Bangla language was a barrier for the community.

"In addition to the language, many people get into health care because of other issues such as religious and cultural barriers."

Miss Qanita Ahmed said that service recipients need to know the correct interpretation of the statements in English about healthcare.
