What you need to know about digital entrepreneurship

A stock image of a Samsung Android tablet computer

Australia's digital economy has surged in value to $79 billion, a new report estimates. (AAP) Source: SBS Network

Along with technological excellence, business' ventures, plans and methods of doing it right are also evolving. With the widespread use of the internet worldwide, an online based business venture known as digital entrepreneurship is also evolving. Bangladeshi-born digital entrepreneurship instructor and author Hemi Hossain's book "Fire Your Boss" recently came in at number one on Amazon's best-seller list. Hemi Hossain speaks to SBS Bangla about his thoughts on digital entrepreneurship.

Bangladeshi Community
হেমি হোসেইনের 'ফায়ার ইয়োর বস' বইটি সম্প্রতি আমাজনের বেস্ট সেলার লিস্টে এক নম্বরে এসেছে Source: Supplied
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