Young people putting off driving, using more public transport

Millenials, Public Transport

One of the new Light Rail Vehicles. Source: AAP

A new study has found young people in Australia are putting off getting a driving licence and using public transport more often. An international study led by Monash University compared the travel behaviour of young adults at different life stages and income levels in Melbourne, Brisbane, London, New York and Atlanta.

New research has found young people are taking longer to get a driver's licence and using public transport more frequently.

A study led by Monash University examined the travel behaviour of young adults in Melbourne, Brisbane, London, New York and Atlanta.

All the cities, except New York, recorded a substantial increase in the number of kilometres taken by millennials on public transport during the past 10 to 15 years.

Lead researcher, Doctor Alexa Delbosc [[Del-bosch]] from Monash University's Civil Engineering department says the increased use of public transport by young people mirrors other behavioural trends.

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