【美國通訊】中美貿易戰陰霾 中餐館叫苦連天Play07:46 Source: SBSSBS CantoneseView Podcast SeriesGet the SBS Audio appOther ways to listenApple PodcastsYouTubeSpotifyListnrDownload (14.24MB) 中美貿易戰愈演愈烈,美國總統宣佈將2000 億美元中國商品的關稅從 10 % 調升至 25%。不少在美國經營的餐館大受其害...詳情,盧婉霞與美國通訊員盧穎於【美國通訊】傾過。ShareLatest podcast episodesCalvin has driven buses in Australia and Hong Kong. He lists the 'big differences'[Cantonese] Australia and its people | Episode 1[Cantonese] Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties | Episode 2[Cantonese] Government and the law | Episode 3