【社區專訪】墨爾本七音室内樂團奏出鄉土情懷Play09:44Musical Notes Source: WikimediaSBS CantoneseView Podcast SeriesGet the SBS Audio appOther ways to listenApple PodcastsYouTubeSpotifyListnrDownload (17.82MB) 兩年前,一批志同道合的音樂發燒友組織了一個室内樂團,名為墨爾本七音室内樂團。他們志切向主流社會介紹中樂,及在社區舉辦一些音樂會,撫平大家思鄉之情。宋慶勤邀請了該室内樂團的團長吳先生,請他介紹他們創辦這個室内樂團的緣起及未來的發展計劃。瀏覽更多最新時事資訊,請登上廣東話節目 Facebook 專頁。ShareLatest podcast episodesCalvin has driven buses in Australia and Hong Kong. He lists the 'big differences'[Cantonese] Australia and its people | Episode 1[Cantonese] Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties | Episode 2[Cantonese] Government and the law | Episode 3