【娛樂電影週刊】墨爾本維多利亞市場動感不停Play24:30 Source: QVMSBS CantoneseView Podcast SeriesGet the SBS Audio appOther ways to listenApple PodcastsYouTubeSpotifyListnrDownload (44.89MB) 墨爾本的朋友今個星期不仇沒有娛樂好去處,事關墨爾本維多利亞市場(Queen Victoria Market)將舉行多項大型活動,包括東南亞節(South East Asia Festiva)及芝士節(Holey Cheese Festival)等, 詳情請聽年青主持Nelson及KAIYI介紹。READ MORE【娛樂電影週刊】維州印度排燈節(Diwali: The Festival of lights)【娛樂電影週刊】在澳洲享受巴厘島及長灘島風情【娛樂電影週刊】賞櫻何需外求?維州都有!瀏覽更多最新時事資訊,請登上廣東話節目 Facebook 專頁。ShareLatest podcast episodesCalvin has driven buses in Australia and Hong Kong. He lists the 'big differences'[Cantonese] Australia and its people | Episode 1[Cantonese] Australia's democratic beliefs, rights and liberties | Episode 2[Cantonese] Government and the law | Episode 3