

Members of NSW Police are seen lining the street as the hearse proceeds through the town at the conclusion of the police funeral of Senior Constable Kelly Foster

NSW Police are seen lining the street as the hearse proceeds through the town at the conclusion of the police funeral of Senior Constable Kelly Foste Source: AAP Image/Bianca De Marchi

1月2日,一名年轻中国留学生在蓝山参加溪降运动时遇险,同行的Kelly Foster高级警官在试图对其进行救援时溺水牺牲。

遇险的24岁软件工程学生Jennifer Qi也不幸遇难。

新州警察局长Mick Fuller在本周四下午于利斯戈联合教会举办的葬礼上追授Foster警官局长英勇奖章,表彰其“英雄主义,超凡的英勇和牺牲”。
People are seen lining the street as the hearse proceeds through the town at the conclusion of the police funeral of Senior Constable Kelly Foster
People are seen lining the street as the hearse proceeds through the town at the conclusion of the police funeral of Senior Constable Kelly Foster Source: AAP Image/Bianca De Marchi


Coffin of Sen Con Kelly Foster being carried by colleague into church
Coffin of Sen Con Kelly Foster being carried by colleague into church Source: NSW Police

Foster警官的家人说,是对户外的热爱让她和Jennifer Qi相遇。


Foster警官的家属表达了对社区的感谢,并对在同一事件中遇难的中国学生Jennifer Qi的亲友表示慰问。

Published 15 January 2021 1:40pm

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