
墨尔本Mont Albert豪宅、Box Hill North的多处住宅、塔州3000英亩农田……两名中国公民的1730万资产被联邦警察冻结。

$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime

$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP




10月29日,联邦警察犯罪资产没收专案组(Criminal Assets Confiscation Taskforce)冻结了七处财产,包括:

墨尔本Mont Albert的新建豪宅;
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP
墨尔本Box Hill North的三处新住宅单位;
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP
墨尔本Box Hill North的一处联排别墅;
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime
$17.3m restrained in AFP investigation into Chinese nationals allegedly laundering proceeds of crime Source: AFP

联邦警察犯罪资产没收专案组的侦缉警司(Detective Superintendent)凯特·费里(Kate Ferry)表示,这显示了国际合作的价值,并称:“自我们在2017年与中国公安部正式建立合作关系以来,澳大利亚联邦警察已经冻结了5000万澳元资产。”

Published 31 October 2019 4:39pm
Updated 31 October 2019 5:26pm

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