在英语语境下,“春节”时而被称为“Chinese New Year”,时而又因改成“Lunar New Year”而陷入“口水仗”。还记得“大表姐”刘雯事件么?因在社交媒体说“Lunar New Year” 而“祸从口出”,遭致一批网民的围攻。
然而,在中国,如果非要给“春节”一个翻译,最常见的似乎也该是教材里的“Spring Festival”,一年之岁首, 万物复苏,欣欣向荣,是中国汉族地区最重要的农历节日。
Lunar New Year is the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar and is the world's largest annual human migration. Source: Visual China Group
Millions of Chinese begin exodus for Lunar New Year holiday Source: Visual China Group
The travel rush started on Monday and crowds are not expected to die down until Friday. Source: Visual China Group
In Hangzhou, crowds enjoy thousands of red lanterns just lit on a footbridge to welcome the Spring Festival, which runs for 40 days. Source: Getty
Source: Visual China Group
People born in the Year of the Pig eat kebabs in a hot pot shaped hot spring. Source: Visual China Group
People select ornaments for Spring Festival on a market in Yantai city, east China's Shandong province. Source: ICHPL Imaginechina
Aerial view of villagers holding red lanterns as they prepare to usher in the 2019 Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig. Source: Visual China Group
A colored lantern featuring a phoenix is illuminated during a lantern show. Source: Visual China Group
Colored lanterns are illuminated on the water during a lantern show. Source: Visual China Group
A woman runs under a sea of red lanterns. Source: Visual China Group