方济各在星期四到访罗马市中心的天上元后(Regina Cœli)监狱并举行宗教仪式,回顾耶稣在受难前夕为 12 宗徒洗脚的经过。
接受洗脚的 12 名囚犯分别来自意大利、菲律宾、摩洛哥、摩尔达维亚、哥伦比亚及塞拉利昂,当中八名为天主教徒、两名为穆斯林、一名东正教徒、一名佛教教徒。
![Pope Francis washes the feet of inmates during his visit to the Regina Coeli detention center in Rome, Thursday, March 29, 2018, where he celebrated the "Missa in Coena Domini". Pope Francis visit to a prison on Holy Thursday to wash the feet of some inma](
Source: Divione Produzione Fotografica, AP
天上元后监狱本来为一个 17 世纪的天主教修道院,后来改变用途成为监狱。
自 2013 年上任以来,教宗方济各已多次要求世界各国废除死刑,受尽教会保守派人士批评,情况在美国尤为严重。
全球拥有 12 亿人口的天主教会多个世纪以来,都容许在极端情况下执行死刑,但有关立场在已故教宗若望保禄二世在位期间开始有所改变。
若望保禄二世在 2005 年离世。![Pope Francis leads a mass during his visit to the Regina Coeli detention center in Rome, Thursday, March 29, 2018, where he celebrated the "Missa in Coena Domini" and washed the feet of some inmates. Pope Francis visit to a prison on Holy Thursday to wash](
![Pope Francis leads a mass during his visit to the Regina Coeli detention center in Rome, Thursday, March 29, 2018, where he celebrated the "Missa in Coena Domini" and washed the feet of some inmates. Pope Francis visit to a prison on Holy Thursday to wash](
Source: AP