
请用不超过25个英文词来告诉我们: “Would you prefer to find the 'one' whilst travelling or travel with the 'one' and why?“ (你是希望在旅行中邂逅那个人,还是希望与那个人一起旅行,为什么?”)
- 2 张旅行礼券卡 (零售价值高达$6,000 包含GST)
- 消费金额(零售价值$4,000包含 GST)
礼品总价值: $10,000

Competition opens: Monday 1 February 9am (AEDT)
Competition closes: Tuesday 16 February 11.59pm (AEDT)
Competition drawn: Wednesday 17 February at 2.00pm (AEDT)
Enter your details below to go into the running. Winners will be notified by email.
If You Are The One Australian Specials are on Sunday 14 February and Sunday 21 February at 7.30pm.