【俞琪案】Campsie华裔女Qi Yu遇害后续:嫌犯Shuo Dong下月9号出庭

搜寻Qi Yu尸体的工作依然还在进行中,嫌疑人Shuo Dong下月9号将在悉尼出庭。

Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room.

Qi Yu's friends reported her missing on Saturday after they woke to find her missing from her room. Source: Seven Network

报道,新州警方与新州紧急服务署(SES)仍继续在悉尼北部丛林搜寻Qi Yu的尸体。

警探们认为,这名现年28岁的华裔女子在两周前失踪的那个晚上就已经被抛尸到Hornsby、Berowra、Cowan和Mount Kuring-Ga附近的地区。

上周,于琪(音译:Qi Yu)室友、19岁男子董硕(音译:Shuo Dong)被捕,随后被控以谋杀罪。


Published 21 June 2018 5:55pm
Updated 28 June 2018 5:16pm
By Helen Chen
Source: News Corp Australia

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