中国代购狂扫奶粉 本地家长叫苦连天

Chinese baby formula customers who buy Australian products, only to sell them overseas, are sending up to 30,000 packages of the items per day

Chinese baby formula customers who buy Australian products, only to sell them overseas, are sending up to 30,000 packages of the items per day Source: US Airforce photo by Airman 1st Class Mercedes Porter

今天,由温楚良和张慕澄主持的「中港快讯」中,他们会谈到中国的“代购”在澳洲疯狂抢购奶粉的情况。 另外,早前香港青衣长青公路发生特大车祸,旅游巴撞向已开着“死火灯”的“的士”,酿成 5 死 32 伤,有些死者是被抛出旅游巴外致死的。 由于香港政府现时没有明文规定这些公车乘客一定要佩戴安全带,所以政府想在这方面征询业界的意见。
