国际人道协会(Humane Society International)Peter Li博士表示,十年前广西玉林并没有吃狗肉的节日,狗肉节是当地商贩在近年炒作而来。在玉林狗肉节鼎盛时期,狗肉商贩曾将活狗放在笼中供购买者挑选,并当街宰杀。街头巷尾,狗狗的惨叫声也是此起彼伏。近些年,当地政府迫于舆论压力,已对当街宰杀狗只的行为进行整改。但一年一度的狗肉节依然吸引大批猎奇民众前往围观。


On a truck parked on Renminzhong Rd. are caged dogs, waiting to be transferred to a slaughterhouse in the narrow alley. Source: by Humane Society International Australia

Dogs rescued from Yulin Dog Meat Festival. The dogs in these images are awaiting transport to Canada. Source: by Humane Society International Australia

Source: by Humane Society International Australia

Source: by Humane Society International Australia

35 of the 135 dogs rescued from a Yulin slaughterhouse, arrive at HSI's partner shelter in North China. Yulin2018 Source: by Humane Society International Australia

35 of the 135 dogs rescued from a Yulin slaughterhouse, arrive at HSI's partner shelter in North China. Yulin2018 Source: by Humane Society International Australia
