

Flinders Street Station is lit up in blue in tribute to four police officers that died after being hit by a truck on Melbourne's Eastern Freeway.

Flinders Street Station is lit up in blue in tribute to four police officers that died after being hit by a truck on Melbourne's Eastern Freeway. Source: AAP

墨爾本內東區 Kew 的東區高速公路日前發生致命車禍,四名警務人員在截停一輛超速保時捷跑車期間,被一輛貨車撞死。社交媒體上湧現大量向四名死者表示敬意及悼念的貼文。
A Melbourne boy pays tribute to the four fallen officers in a police uniform outside his house.
A Melbourne boy pays tribute to the four fallen officers in a police uniform outside his house. Source: Facebook
A woman lays a tribute at Boroondara Police Station near the Chandler Highway in the suburb of Kew.
A woman lays a tribute at Boroondara Police Station near the Chandler Highway in the suburb of Kew. Source: AAP
星期四(4 月 23 日)晚上,Flinders Street 鐵路車站、聯邦廣場、墨爾本板球場等著名墨爾本地標,均亮起藍色燈光,向四名遇害警員致敬。
與此同時,墨爾本民眾則在居所門外綁上藍絲帶,亦在事發地點附近的 Boroondara 警署門外放置鮮花悼念死者。
事發於星期三(22 日)傍晚約 5 時 40 分,


下車期間,一輛運載家禽凍肉的貨車以達每小時 100 公里的時速衝向跑車方向,造成四名警員殉職。
41 歲保時捷跑車司機潘西於星期四上午被拘捕,控以危險速度駕駛及未有給予援助等多項罪名。他將於星期五(24 日)墨爾本裁判法院出庭應訊。



Published 24 April 2020 2:13pm
Updated 12 August 2022 3:20pm
By Claudia Farhart, Winmas Yu

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