
新州住院率繼續猛增 維州不升反跌


Paramedics are seen tending to their ambulance outside St. Vincent hospital in Melbourne, Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Demand for ambulances in Melbourne is "extremely high" with people warned to brace for delays, as COVID-19 hospital admissions continue to

Victoria and New South Wales' COVID-19 figures on Sunday showed hospitalisations had fallen. Source: AAP

在新州住院人數方面,繼續上升。因為新冠疫情而住院的患者已達 2,816 ,由星期日錄得的 2,712 人急增 104人。

但在維州方面,住院人數由星期日的 1,002 人下降至 998 人。

目前,在新州及維州分別有 196 人及 119 人需接受深切治療。

另外,新州星期一(1月24日)再錄得 15,091 宗新確診病、比周日 20,324 宗新增確診大幅減少,再有 24 人不幸離世。

維州方面,周一再錄得11,695 宗新確診,比上日 13,091 宗減少,但卻有 17 人因病死亡。

Published 24 January 2022 10:11am
Updated 24 January 2022 10:19am
Presented by Tracy Lo
Source: SBS News

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