超級名模 Gemma Ward 擁有的新州北部海岸豪宅發生命案,一名女子死亡。
警方指,一名 50 多歲的女子在今早約十時半被發現死於寓所,身上有傷,初步列作謀殺案處理,死者與兒子一同租住物業。
現場是北部海難區 Avalon,目前兇殺組探員和法證人員已封鎖現場調查。
死者兒子在附近 Ruskin Rowe 被捕,據報疑犯與死者同住,但不住房間卻住在豪宅的車房。
名模 Gemma Ward 與丈夫 David Letts 去年以 160 萬元買入物業後租出,自己與丈夫一家在 Newport 居住。
Gemma Ward bought the Avalon home, where the woman's body was found, for $1.6 million and has been renting it out. Source: Wikipedia
emma Ward bought the Avalon home, where the woman's body was found, for $1.6 million and has been renting it out. Source: Supplied: 7 News