【SBS學英語】Minipod: 與「行路」有關的動詞

People enjoy the coastal walk at Bondi Beach, Sydney's most famous beach, which stretches to Coogee Beach, on June 10, 2013.  AFP PHOTO/William WEST        (Photo credit should read WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images)

遠足人士在雪梨 Bondi Beach (邦迪海灘) 的岸邊步行。 Source: AFP, Getty / WILLIAM WEST/AFP via Getty Images

今集 minipod 我們將學習與「步行」有關的動詞 (verb):hiking、strolling、power-walking、climbing、trudging、strutting、toddling 等。




Hiking - going for a long walk in the countryside
Strolling - walking slowly so that you can look around you and enjoy what you see
Strutting - walking with a stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant manner 
Trudging - walking slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions
Tiptoeing - walking quietly and carefully with one's heels raised
Striding - walking with long steps, usually because you have something you want to say or do – often if you are angry
Toddling - walking with tiny, uncertain steps
Power-walking - walking very fast as a form of exercise
Climbing up - walking up the hill, stairs, mountain, cliffs or similar
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【SBS學英語】Minipod: 與「行路」有關的動詞

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