Learn Dutch - Episode 30: travel and transportation

trein Amsterdam Centraal

Credit: CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED / John Keogh

In this podcast series you will learn a few Dutch words and pronunciations every week in a few minutes. The lessons are hosted by Dutch teacher Joyce Diebels from Dutch with Joyce and are in English. In this episode we discuss travel and transportation.

Words from lesson 30: travel and transportation
to travelreizen
I travelIk reis
bicycle(de) fiets
car(de) auto
bus(de) bus
train(de) trein
airplane(het) vliegtuig
public transport(het) openbaar vervoer
ticket(het) kaartje
station(het) station
bus stop(de) bushalte
platform(het) perron
Sentences to practice with:
I take the train.Ik neem de trein. / Ik pak de trein.
I get in the bus.Ik stap in/op/uit de bus.
I drive in my car.Ik rijd mijn auto.
I'm on my bike.Ik zit op mijn fiets.
I'm on the airplane. Ik zit in het vliegtuig.
I buy a ticket at the station.Ik koop een kaartje op het station.
I'm waiting at the bus stop.Ik wacht bij de bushalte.
I walk to the platform.Ik loop naar het perron.
Click here for more information about Joyce from Dutch with Joyce.
