Reports of anti-Jewish incidents in Australia have more than tripled in the last year, according to the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ).
Co-CEO Alex Rycvhin said the Jewish community is experiencing "more abuse, more hatred, more exclusion, more vilification, and in each case it's to do with their Jewish identity".
Unquestionably, it's here, it's real, and it's reached levels that we really have never seen in this country before.
Sarah Bendetsky grew up in Russia, where she says she was exposed to antisemitism as a child. She told SBS Examines she'd never experienced it in Australia until recently.
"After the 7th of October [2023], the whole anti-Israel rhetoric turned into being an anti-Jewish rhetoric, right in our backyard."
She said her teenage daughter was approached on her way to school by a stranger, who "screamed 'heil Hitler' to her face, with the Nazi salute".
Sarah runs , a food security charity that provides kosher meals for those in need in Melbourne.
She said the wheels of their food truck were pierced in the night, and online, they were flooded with "crazy online hate".
"What does a modest social trader cafe in Melbourne, using all the funds to feed the hungry people of all descents, have to do with the war in Israel?" Sarah said.
"It's antisemitism. It's just an excuse."
This episode of SBS Examines asks: what is antisemitism, and is it changing?