FECCA 2022: Advancing Multicultural Australia

FECCA, multiculturalism, ageing in a foreign land, health services, immigration

"We need more culturally specific services; we need more bi-lingual health care workers to assist our seniors" Romel Lalata, FECCA (R) with (L) SBS's TJ Correa Source: SBS Filipino

This year's FECCA, Federation of Ethnic Communities Council Australia conference focused on issues that will enable migrants from multicultural communities to live a better life.

  • The conference theme for this year is FECCA 2022: Advancing Multicultural Australians
  • The conference focused on the latest studies, research on migrant life, and issues on migrant rights, health and immigration
  • One of the most significant issues facing Filipino-Australians is the importance of culturally specific aged care services and bi-lingual health care workers in the sector
The importance of a deeper understanding and knowledge of the various needs of different migrant  communities in Australia



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