‘Gossipy, lazy, with poor hygiene’: New survey reveals likes and dislikes in the Australian workplace

Asian male businessman chased by workload and deadlines

Around 40 per cent workers find their workplace difficult because of annoying colleague behaviour, according to the survey. Credit: Envato / cait00sith

In the episode of Trabaho, Visa, atbp., find out what behaviours or habits in the workplace in Australia are most disliked and appreciated.

Key Points
  • Around 1,100 workers in Australia were surveyed by the job website Indeed in May regarding the behaviours and attitudes of their colleagues and bosses.
  • 40% of workers struggle at work due to a colleague they find annoying.
  • The most common annoyance is poor personal hygiene, while reliability is the most appreciated trait.
  • According to experts, irritating colleagues are one reason for resignations, but the main reason is an unbearable boss or manager.
