epa10670954 A worker sorts thousands of plastic containers for recycling at a recycling facility in Los Angeles, California, USA, 02 June 2023. (Issued 03 June 2023). Acording to the California Government website, California has on January 2022, ""assed a law that requires a postconsumer plastic recycled content standard of 15 percent beginning January 1, 2022, increasing to 25 percent on 2025 and 50 percent on 2030.The law also requires plastic material reclaimers to report empty plastic beverage containers collected and sold. And manufacturers of postconsumer recycled plastic to report the amount of food-grade and bottle-grade plastic material sold in the state". The World will mark the 2023 Environment Day on 05 June with a focus on "solutions to plastic pollution". EPA/ALLISON DINNER ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET Source: EPA / ALLISON DINNER/EPA