Key Points
- Several Filipino groups participated in 'The Artistry Festival: Celebration of Culture, Food, Music and Arts' held at Tumbalong Park in Sydney on February 7 - 9.
- The 'Philippines Pavilion', led by the Philippine Consulate Sydney and Love the Philippines Team Australia and New Zealand, showcased various Filipino products and foods - such as barbeque, hal-halo, etc. There were traditional Filipino dance performances, OPM music, and a fashion parade on stage wearing Filipino-designed ball gowns and traditional clothes.
- Community leader Rox Molavin and Alley One band vocalists Anja Urquico and Drexter Barretto stressed the importance of sharing the unique talents of Filipinos, particularly in music, dance and creativity.

'Showcase the beauty of our culture and various talents': Why Filipino participation in multicultural events in Australia important
SBS Filipino