The rubbish boat making beauty to raise awareness of marine pollution

Project Interrupt's boat Heart, made from waste marine plastic (SBS).jpg

Project Interrupt's boat 'Heart', made from waste marine plastic. Credit: SBS

A boat made from marine plastic is making its way across the notoriously treacherous Bass Strait. It's on a journey to raise awareness about marine rubbish.

Key Points
  • Mission 'Project Interrupt' is aimed at raising awareness about marine rubbish.
  • Sam McLennan has built a boat made from marine plastic and items he's found washed up on the beaches around the Tasman Peninsula.
  • Some of the leftover rubbish Sam's collected has been sent back to Hobart, where jeweller Chris Hood is finding another way to make treasure out of trash.
RUBBISH BOAT RNF in Filipino image

The rubbish boat making beauty to raise awareness of marine pollution

SBS Filipino

