What are the visa opportunities in Australia this 2023?


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In this episode of ‘Trabaho, Visa atbp.’, Registered Migration Agent Gloria Collins discussed the visa opportunities this 2023.

Key Points
  • The government announced an increase to the permanent migration program in 2022/23 from 160,000 to 195,000 places for skilled and family visas after they came to power mid-2022.
  • States and territories have increasingly relaxed many of their criteria, including their skilled occupation lists, to make it easier for people to apply for state-nominated visas.
  • The government also introduced demand-driven partner and child visas in 2022/23.
'Trabaho, Visa, atbp.' is a podcast series that features issues and information about migration to Australia every Thursday on SBS Filipino.

In this episode, Brisbane-based Registered Migration Agent Gloria Collins detailed the opportunities in migration and visa in Australia this 2023.
Brisbane-based Registered Migration Agent Gloria Collins.
What are the visa opportunities for 2023? image

Ano ang mga oportunidad sa visa sa Australia ngayong 2023?

SBS Filipino

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. For specific visa advice, people are urged to check with the or contact a trustworthy solicitor or registered migration agent in Australia.
