The main points of the interview (in English) with Maria Dimopoulos about the need that led to the formation of Harmony Alliance:
"We see statistics on family violence, health, homelessness but these statistics assume that women are white, Anglo -Australian and that we don’t have any differences in our lived experiences”
“solutions to family violence require a whole -of- community approach”
“We need different strategies to address family violence”
“the assumption that all these issues can be resolved as if we are the same, meaning that we are all white, Anglo-Australian is fundamentally wrong”
“diversity is an important consideration when we formulate policy, when we are doing research”
“we need to understand how the experiences of migration, of settlement, of racism and sexism work together in an intersectional way to impact on these experiences”
“we still don’t have any data to indicate whether we have more or less family and domestic violence. This is extraordinary in 2018”
“let’s start getting sophisticated about our differences”