Είναι επίσημο: Έρχονται οι Εύζωνοι και νέος χώρος για την Παρέλαση
SBS Greek
Daniel Andrews. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
It's official: The Evzoni are coming and a new venue for Melbourne Greeks's Parade. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
It's official: The Evzoni are coming and a new venue for Melbourne Greeks's Parade. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
It's official: The Evzoni are coming and a new venue for Melbourne Greeks's Parade. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Emmanuel Kakavelakis. Consul-General of Greece in Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Bishop of Kerasounta Evmenios. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Steve Dimopoulos, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier. Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier and Parliamentary Secretary for Mental Health. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou