Melbourne Greeks will get a new Greek Cultural Precinct, Labors promised

Andrew Giles, Ged Kearney, Emily Demetriades, Kat Theophanous, Maria Vamvakinou, Bishop Evmenios, Lee Tarlamis, at Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne.

Andrew Giles, Ged Kearney, Emily Demetriades, Kat Theophanous, Maria Vamvakinou, Bishop Evmenios, Lee Tarlamis, at Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou

The new Greek Cultural Precinct will be located at the Monastery of 'Axion Esti' in Melbourne's inner-north suburb of Northcote and the Federal Labors will invest $10 million.

Melbourne Greeks will get a new Greek Cultural Precinct, Labors promised image

Η Μελβούρνη αποκτά νέο Ελληνικό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο

SBS Greek

Billy Kavellaris, Andrew Giles, Ged Kearney.
Billy Kavellaris, Andrew Giles, Ged Kearney. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Maria Vamvakinou, Lee Tarlamis, Bishop Evmenios, John Tatoulis at the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne.
Maria Vamvakinou, Lee Tarlamis, Bishop Evmenios, John Tatoulis at the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Emily Demetriades, Kat Theophanous, Maria Vamvakinou, Bishop Evmenios, Lee Tarlamis, Arthur Andronas at the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne.
Emily Demetriades, Kat Theophanous, Maria Vamvakinou, Bishop Evmenios, Lee Tarlamis, Arthur Andronas at the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
Αt the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne.
Αt the Axion Esti Monastery, Northcote, Melbourne. Source: SBS Greek/Panos Apostolou
