Solomon "sandwich" on Australian pre-election menu

Election Ahead Road Sign. It seems only fitting that a road sign would warn us of one of the most divisive events a democratic society must endure. There is always another rough election just down the road.

Election Ahead Road Sign. Source: Getty Images/James Brey

In the election agenda of the two major parties in Australia, in matters of defense and foreign policy, the Solomon Islands and China are constantly on the table of controversy. The Pacific island nation says it does not want become a "sandwich" between Australia and China.

A new security deal between China and Solomon Islands has been the subject of heated debate.
A security deal between China and Solomon Islands has been the subject of heated debate. Source: SBS

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Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister Scott Morrison and (right) Australian Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese in the 2022 Australian federal election campaign. Source: NEWS CORP AUSTRALIA POOL
