The purpose of this study was to provide a current and factual picture of Modern Greek Education in Victoria, as well as provide directions to focus on in the future to promote, maintain and sustain the Greek language.
The research is made up of three main sections, each of them dealing with a different aspect of Modern Greek Education in Victoria.
The first section, ‘Ecology of Greek in Australia’, provides an overview of the conditions in which the language exists in Australia.
This includes but is not limited to stories and statistics related to migration, the scientific study of language attrition and loss, the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis and the subsequent new wave of migration from Greece.
The statistical information found throughout the research is substantial and captures the changing landscape of Greek across sectors and the stages of learning, across a number of decades.
It also touches on some consistently identified issues, including but not limited to declining student enrolment and retention rates, teacher qualifications, and, materials and resources.
In the second section ‘The State of Play: An Ecological Account’, an extended account of the provision of Modern Greek in Victoria is provided, including reference to establishing the first Greek Schools in Victoria.

The Modern Greek Teachers Association of Victoria - MGTAV Research Launch took place on the 23rd of February 2020 at Lalor North Primary School. Source: SBS Greek
Statistical information, tables and figures are then provided regarding Government school enrolments over the years, but also includes facts and figures related to Independent and Private school programs, Regions, the Victorian School of Languages (VSL), the Community Languages sector, Distance Education and Teachers.
The third section, ‘The State of Play: Discussion and Analysis’, is an extended discussion of the statistical information that has been presented, including a survey of related literature, a discussion of the impact that political and economical changes have had on the Greek Government, and, a reference to the fortunes or challenges that have been presented in local Greek media.
The subsection ‘Bright Lights’ references and reinforces the goodwill that is present in our community – a community that is committed to the future of the Greek language. Examples of good practice are presented to illuminate the way forward. These include the money allocated towards Greek kindergarten language programs, as initiated by the Victorian Government, the promotion of Greek Bilingual Programs in 2019, support for teachers of Greek in Victorian government schools and kindergartens, and ongoing support for existing Greek language programs.
Conclusions and steps forward are outlined in ‘The Executive Summary and recommendations’
Professor Lo Bianco suggests that despite the challenges and difficulties presented in the research, there are still many positive factors and strong foundations that can be built upon.
In his ‘Proposals for Action’, Professor Lo Bianco outlines a need for a shared vision amongst all key stakeholders for the Modern Greek language. He recommends that a National Modern Greek Strategic Plan be produced by the MGTAV, in an effort to:
have a common understanding of the state of the language; create a set of national principles focused on strengthening the use of Modern Greek in Australia, and, determine a statement of excellence to guide all providers of Modern Greek.
The ‘Proposals for Action’ also include other recommendations that respond to the current problems facing the teaching of Modern Greek, which were outlined at the beginning of the report.
A common concern has been the lack of properly referenced materials pertaining to the study of Greek. Pharos has a substantial section, of academically referenced materials which will also be useful for those wishing to undertake further studies related to Modern Greek.
The MGTAV Action Plan
The Teachers' Association released the following statement:
"We wish to thank our researcher for the in depth and vital research undertaken which has resulted in Pharos. It was an honour for us to have Professor Lo Bianco undertake this research project. We believe Pharos represents a watershed and significant period for the direction of Modern Greek in the Antipodes, today and for the future.
The MGTAV has been proactive in its work and some of the recommendations have already been actioned or begun by the current and previous MGTAV committee.
In light of presenting this research, the MGTAV’s current goals will be:
• to inform relevant parties of the study’s results, conclusions and recommendations;
• to bring a focus to the importance of a cooperative effort from the community for the future health of the language;
• to form a Working Party which will include all key stakeholders of Modern Greek. The Working Party will receive all recommendations made in the research and will pursue for implementation;
• in collaboration with the Working Party, to bring a focus to the importance of a set of national principles for strengthening the use of Modern Greek with the other Australian States, leading to the formation of a cohesive National Strategic Plan; and,
• to determine a statement of excellence which will act as a ‘lighthouse’ to all providers of Modern Greek."

The MGTAV Research Launch took place on the 23rd of February 2020 at Lalor North Primary School. Source: SBS Greek
Anita Ladas, MGTAV President’s statement
"I would like to start by thanking staff at Lalor North Primary School for making us so welcome today in using the school’s facilities for our Launch. Being able to host our Research Launch here, is particularly fitting given that Lalor North boasts a very strong and comprehensive Greek Bilingual Program.
Our special thanks to Greek Coordinator, Ana Koutsouroupas, and Principal, David Williams, for their undivided support of the MGTAV.
For many years now, research pertaining to the state of Modern Greek in Victoria or Australia, has been very minimal. At our Annual General Meeting in 2017, the decision was made to undertake research about Modern Greek in Victoria.
Since then, the MGTAV has spent time:
• Commissioning the research to be undertaken;
• liaising with the researcher during the process;
• discussing the project and providing feedback;
• preparing and planning an action plan for when the research is ready; and,
• preparing for the publication and launch of the research.
We believe that the research will help inform our future work pertaining to the teaching of Modern Greek. As presented today at our Research Launch, we have great cause to believe that action is required to sustain the health of our language in Victoria and Australia.
We wish to thank our researcher for the in depth and vital research undertaken which has resulted in Pharos. It was an honour for us to have Professor Lo Bianco undertake this research project. We believe Pharos represents a watershed and significant period for the direction of Modern Greek in the Antipodes, today and for the future.
The MGTAV has been proactive in its work and some of the recommendations have already been actioned or begun by the current and previous MGTAV committee.
In light of presenting this research today, the MGTAV’s current goals will be:

The MGTAV Research Launch took place on the 23rd of February 2020 at Lalor North Primary School. Source: SBS Greek
• to inform relevant parties of the study’s results, conclusions and recommendations;
• to bring a focus to the importance of a cooperative effort from the community for the future health of the language;
• to form a Working Party which will include all key stakeholders of Modern Greek. The Working Party will receive all recommendations made in the research and will pursue for implementation;
• in collaboration with the Working Party, to bring a focus to the importance of a set of national principles for strengthening the use of Modern Greek with other Australian States, leading to the formation of a cohesive National Strategic Plan; and,
• to determine a statement of excellence which will act as a ‘lighthouse’ to all providers of Modern Greek.
A comment from the President of the Modern Greek Teachers' Association of Victoria, Anita, on the findings of the research.
Just the fact that the research has been undertaken, is huge for the future of Modern Greek in Australia.
Any existing research is outdated, not to mention that there are few studies and far between, and we felt that it was time to reassess the situation to help us plan steps forward.
The statistics from the research indicate that there has been a steady decline of enrolments within the sector, but it also signified that there is still hope for this to turn around, particularly given our community’s dedication to our language. Now that the research has been undertaken, there is recent and factual evidence pertaining to the teaching of Modern Greek, and this can act as basis for action moving forward.
I also hope that this research has opened up pathways for more research continuing into the future, something which is vital for the health of the language. I believe that the research conducted is a turning point for Modern Greek in Australia, and the start of something new."
Press Play on the photo and listen the interview with Professor Joseph Lo Bianco, from the Melbourne Graduate School of Education of the University of Melbourne

The MGTAV Research Launch took place on the 23rd of February 2020 at Lalor North Primary School. Source: SBS Greek