Businesses under pressure due to a chronic staff shortage

NACA Feature, Coronavirus, COVID-19, employment, business,

Sydney cafe owner Anthony Iacono Source: SBS

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that unemployment is still at only 4.6 per cent - even though nearly 140,000 people lost their jobs last month. But businesses are grappling with staff shortages due to the pandemic-induced closure of international borders causing a plunge in Australia's migrant intake


  • New South Wales and Victoria hold 60 per cent of the nation's labour market.
  • According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics - A rise in hours worked reflected a strong business recovery in Queensland - and the easing of COVID restrictions in New South Wales.
  • There were large falls in both Victoria and the ACT as people experienced reduced hours or no work due to lockdowns.
  • The national underemployment rate dropped by less than 0.1 per cent.

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