A Tribute to a Very Righteous Gentile - Professor Tim McNamara

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Elana Shohami with Tim McNamara Source: Supplied

Professor Elana Shohamy is the former chair of the language education program at the School of Education, Tel Aviv University. Elana has presented her papers in numerous international conferences, She researches and writes about multiple issues relating to multilingualism: including language policy, language testing, language rights and linguistic landscape.

In this poignant interview, Professor Elana Shohamy tells us about her special friendship with Professor Tim McNamara who passed away on the Eve of Rosh HaShana.

Tim started the bilingual English-Hebrew program at the Mount Scopus Memorial College, Melbourne. He was a leading linguist and scholar and far more than that, he was a Mensch.

Tim was acutely aware of the fact that anti-Semitism never dies, it “merely” assumes various disguises, anti-Zionism is one of them. And he undertook it upon himself to denounce any form of anti-Semitism, especially in academic circles.

Tim’s latest book, Paul and Paula, encapsulates many of the themes that Tim deeply cared about throughout his life.
