Australian Government's No Jab No Pay policy is aimed at encouraging parents to immunise their children against preventable diseases.
There’s been a sharp increase in number of children immunised following the introduction of this policy.
However, the government now wishes to notify that if you have not immunised your child yet, the last date to update your records is 18th March 2016.
Families currently receiving Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate have just over a week left to get their child’s immunisations on track by 18 March 2016 to avoid missing out on child care payments.
Under the Commonwealth Government’s No Jab, No Pay laws, which began on 1 January 2016, children must be up to date with their vaccinations, have a valid medical exemption or be on a catch-up schedule for parents to keep receiving Child Care Benefit, Child Care Rebate and the FTB Part A supplement.
Parents whose children do not meet the requirements by the end of their grace period will start incurring a debt for any child care payments they receive from that date, which they’ll have to repay.

Source: Pixabay
Parents who do not intend on vaccinating their child can ask the Department of Human Services to stop their child care subsidies straight away, to avoid incurring a debt.
An Australian Government stated that while parents have the right to decide not to vaccinate their children, taxpayers should not have to endorse a choice that compromises public health.
For more information about the changes to immunisation requirements, go to