The last date of conversion of Person of Indian Origin (PIO) card into Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card is December 31st 2017 and this deadline will no more be extended.
Holders of valid PIO card have been advised to submit the applications by December 31st, 2017.
The conversion process does not require any extra scrutiny or additional documentation except for the requirement of copies of the foreign passport and the existing PIO Card.
Conversion of PIO Cards into OCI Cards will be done free-of-cost till December 31st 2017 however it will incur a fee after the deadline is over.
Consulate General of India, Perth has advised that any PIO to OCI card conversion after December 31st will attract a fee of 275 USD.
In July this year, the government of India extended the deadline to convert the PIO cards into OCI to 31 December 2017. The conversion is currently being done free of charge. However, the applicants are required to pay the ICWF fee and the service charges for the outsourcing agency as well as the postal/courier charges.
Source: Consulate General of India, Perth