It is that time of the year when Australian families either choose to travel abroad during holiday season or spend a few days/weeks out of town to enjoy summer.
SBS Hindi recently reported about
While it is most important to lock all your doors, windows and any other entry/exit point possible in the house, it is also vital to take other important steps to ensure that your house is safe during the holiday season.
Some of these steps include requesting the post-office to keep your letters or to ask a close friend to check and collect it from your house and also to take your important documents related to banking and valuables and leave them with close friends, relatives or in a locker.
On Thursday, we published . Today, we have compiled the Top 10 home burglary hotspots in each major city of Australia.
1. Greater Sydney

Source: Canstar
2. Greater Brisbane

Source: Canstar
3. Greater Perth

Source: Canstar
4. Greater Adelaide

Source: Canstar
5. Tasmania

Source: Canstar