It's almost a year since Indian IT professional Prabha Kumar was murdered on 7th March along a dark pathway in Parramatta Park. The mother of a young daughter Prabha Kumar regularly walked back home after alighting at Parramatta Station at night. She was on the phone with her husband Arun Kumar on the fatal night when her throat was slit.
While a Memorial Plaque was unveiled last November in Prabha's memory and the Parramatta park pathway has now been given proper lighting, yet the investigators are in the dark about this mysterious case. The Homicide Detectives have been painstakingly working on the case across India and Australia. Detective Sergeant Ritchie Smith told Fairfax Media, "We have considered the possibility that an offender had (helped commit or been involved with) this crime outside Australia. However, the police is confident that Prabha did not know her offender.
Prabha Kumar's mother, father, husband and daughter had flown down to Sydney for the unveling of the Memorial Plaque. The police interviewed each family member extensively in an attempt to find out if there was some unknown conflict in Prabha Kumar's life. As it leads up to a year of this gruesome unsolved murder case the police have spoken with more than 2000 people during their investigation.The Police thinks that the offender might be overseas or is perhaps still in Australia.