Multifaith leaders in Australia call for peace and harmony after synagogue and school bus attack

HCI Hanukkah and Diwali

Members of the Jewish and Hindu communities light the Hanukkah candles and the Diwali diyas at a recent joint celebration. Credit: Supplied by Saroni Roy

In less than a week, Australia witnessed two incidents, including an attack on a Melbourne synagogue that was classified as an "act of terror." In another incident, a bus belonging to an Islamic school in Adelaide was set alight under suspicious circumstances. These incidents have been condemned not only by politicians but also by faith leaders from Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. A joint celebration of the Jewish and Hindu festivals of light, Hanukkah and Diwali, organised by the Hindu Council of Australia and the Jewish community, was also held recently in Sydney to foster social harmony, tolerance, and mutual respect.

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