Temporary worship space set up after fire at Guruji temple, as community supports restoration

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Back: Devotees of Guruji Mandir at the Lohri sangat event in Grand Star Receptions, Altona, Mebourne. / Front: Acting Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll and Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ingrid Stitt greeting representatives from the Guruji Mandir. Credit: Supplied by Aditya Khanna from Guruji Mandir

On January 4, 2025, a fire severely damaged the Guruji Mandir on Sayers Road in Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne. In response, the local community has come together to support its restoration, with a temporary place of worship set up at the Wyndham City College Community Hall. In this podcast, SBS Hindi interviews a temple representative and a devotee about their experiences during the recovery process.

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