One of the most confusing aspects for migrant job seeker is to know what skills and attributes an Australian employer is looking for.
Skilled migrants from various Indian subcontinent countries are often unable to find a job in their field in Australia.
The problem worsens in case of migrants with levels of high education – PhDs and specialised Masters degrees – because they do not have any “Australian experience.”
This causes a salary difference between people with same skills and qualification in an organisation, as a skilled migrant starts at a low salary level because h/she does not have the “Australian experience.”
Most companies do not employ migrants, believing that they are not familiar with rules or regulations of the Australia.
In addition, this can also mean that the recruiter has no idea about the work you have done, or and its relevance in Australia.

Indian woman fills out form and waits. Source: Getty Images
Usman W. Chouhan says this added hurdle has no valid reason or grounding as in most cases skilled migrants coming to Australia from South Asian countries have better education (such as in management and IT) and MNC work experience (from US, UK, Asian and European companies).
Usman feels that apart from employers this is a grave situation and policymakers who cannot take this situation lightly in Australia.
“This causes millions of dollars economic loss without any valid reason and also visibly impacts national economic productivity,” adds Usman.
Usman says that the problem is in the consultation and implementation of policy framework in both Australia and Canada.
To know more about why employers ask for Australian experience from skilled migrants and its effects on the Australian economy and migrants, listen to Amit Sarwal’s conversation with Usman W. Chohan, an expert on economic policy reforms at UNSW (Canberra).

Usman W. Chohan Source: Usman W. Chohan