Cov kev txhawj xeeb thiab tej tswv yim daws tej vaj tse tsis txaus rau sawv daws nyob

A familiar sign in front of a house in Sydney

A familiar sign in front of a house in Sydney Source: AAP

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Puas yog tsoom hwv Australia yeej kub siab los daws kom txhob muaj cov teeb meem tsis muaj vaj tse txaus rau sawv daws nyob tiag tiag? Cov kev tsis tau vaj tse nyob puas ua rau koj nyuaj siab? Ntawm nod yog qee yam tswv yim pab koj daws cov teeb meem no.

Tsim kom tau tsev ntau tuaj ntxiv:

Kev tsim vaj tse kom ntau ntxiv yog ib yam tseem ceeb coj los pab kom tej neeg nrhiav tau tsev nyob thiab. Xyoo 2017-2018 no tsoom hwv Australia cov nyiaj puag xyoo tau qhia tias yuav siv nyiaj txog 1 tawv (1 billion Australian dollar) coj los xyuas cov hauj lwm National Housing Infrastructure Facillity kom tsim tau cov tsev tshiab rau tsoom hwv tej av uas npaj tseg thiab tsim kom tau tsev ntau tuaj ntxiv thaum tsoom hwv tebchaws koom tes nrog tsoom hwv xwv los xyuas kom kho tau tej kev tso cai siv chaw tsim vaj tse thiab npaj tias yuav tsim vaj tse li cas kom ua tau tej vaj tse no.
Building more homes has been suggested as one way to ease the housing crisis in Australia. Source: Getty Images

Yuav tsum tsim kom tau ntau hom tsev:

Vim tej neeg xav yuav vaj tse heev yog li thiaj yog ib lub tswv yim zoo yuav tau los txheeb xyuas cov cai tso cai tsim vaj tse (Planning laws) thiab yuav tau tso cai kom taug me ntsi tias pub tsim tsev npaum li cas los yog hom tsev loj me los yog flat li cas.

Tseem muaj neeg coob heev tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tau vaj tse nyob vim tej tsev feem ntau ces yog cov tsev loj muaj ntau chav hauv Australia no, yog li ces kim thiab yuav tau qev nyiaj ntau los yuav cov tsev loj dua.

Tsoom hwv xeev New South Wales (NSW) twb tau npaj kom tsim tau cov tsev txog li 10% yog cov tsev pheej yig uas tej neeg muaj peev xwm yuav tau nyog los yog ntiav tau nyob lawm thiab.

Yuav tau los kho cov negative gearing:

Negative gearing ces yeej yog ib cov teeb meem laj fai kum xeeb uas tseem muaj kev cov nyom heev.

Tab sis negative gearing ho yog dab tsi tiag? Nws yog ib cov kev tso cai rau cov neeg yuav vaj tse los ua lagluam ntiav rau lwm tus nyob uas tau tej nqe ntiav tseg dua tej nqe tu thiab saib xyuas tej vaj tse ntawv muaj cai thov txo tau se rau tej nyiaj ua lawv khwv tau los ntawd.

Cov neeg tsis pom zoo nrog cov negative gearing no cam tias vim yog ib cov kev txhawb nqa kom tej neeg mus yuav cov vaj tse tsim rau tej cuab yig nyob ntau heev kom tau nqe siab tuaj nxiv thiab kim ces thiaj ua rau cov neeg xav yuav tsev thawj zaug tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tau tsev nyob.
The government has announced plans to set up a new agency to help alleviate the growing problem of homelessness. Source: AAP

Tsim tej vaj tse rau cov neeg raug teeb meem hauv lub neej tau nyob:

Yog tsoom hwv xav daws kom tau cov teeb meem tsis muaj vaj tse txaus nyob ntxuas ntxiv rau yav tom ntej ces tsoom hwv yuav tsum kho nws cov hauj lwm National Housing and Homelessness Agreement tshiab thiab pab nyiaj rau cov neeg tsis muaj faj tse nyob thiab cov neeg raug teeb meem hauv lawv lub neej uas tsis tau vaj tse nyob ntawd.

Tsim kom tau tej tsev ntau ntxiv rau zej tsoom nyob:

Yog tias koj yog cov neeg txom nyem thiab khwv tau nyiaj tsawg uas tsis muaj peev xwm yuav tau tsev nyob los yog tsis muaj peev xwm ntiav tau cov neeg ntiag tug tej tsev nyob ces koj muaj cai nyob tau zej tsoom tej vaj tse (Social housing).

Koj yeej yuav tsum tau them tej nqe ntiav cov tsev no mas thiaj tau nyob thiab, tab sis tsuas siv nyiaj txog li 25% ntawm tej nyiaj koj khwv tau los los yog cov nyiaj pab cuam tau los ntawm Centrelink xwb.

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm ntxawv ntxiv ces nyem ntawm no saib tau: .


Lwm yam xov xwm tseem ceeb:

Yog koj xav tau xov xwm txog tej nom tswv tswj cov vaj tse rau zej tsoom nyob ntawm Australia cov xeev ces saib tau raws li hauv qab no:

Australia's love affair with the backyard may have to change if calls for smaller houses to help the housing shortage gain momentum. Source: AAP

Mloog tau xov xwm lwm yam kaw ua suab tau ntawm:

hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6pm thiab zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11am txhua limpiam.

Download SBS Radio App tso rau koj lub xov tooj ntawm tes rau ntawm App Store thiab Google Play.

Mloog tau SBS Radio Hmong Program ntawm digital TV tshooj 38 hauv Australia.

Thiab mloog tau cov radio frequency ntawm Australia ntau lub nroog li hauv qab no:

HOBART                                105.7FM

MELBOURNE                          93.1FM                Or           1224  AM

CANBERRA                            105.5FM               Or           1440  AM

SYDNEY                                97.7FM                 or            1107  AM

BRISBANE                             93.3 FM

CAIRNS                                 90.5 FM
