Koj puas tau xav tias koj xav nyob, xav kawm los yog xav ua hauj lwm ntawm Australia?
Koj yuav tau thov ib daim visa, thiab ib feem ntawm tej txheej txheem no ces cuam tshuam txog cov kev yuav tau qhia tias seb koj paub ntawv Askiv zoo npaum cas. Yog li ntawd koj yuav tau mus tshau txuj ntawv Askiv. Thiab ntawm nplooj ntawd uas thov visa ntawd yeej qhia tias koj yuav tsum tau cov zauv paub txuj ntawv Askiv npaum li cas thiab koj yuav tau muaj ib daim ntawv pov thawj los qhia.
Nyob rau zaj xov xwm no ces koj yuav txheeb tias seb cov kev tshau txuj twg (tests) uas tsoom fwv Australia lees paub, thiab yeej muaj ib daim phiaj coj cov kev tshau txuj no coj los sib piv kom koj paub txog tej xov xwm ntxaws ntawm ib cov kev tshau txuj twg uas yuav pab kom xaiv tias seb hom kev tshau txuj ntawv Askiv twg yog hom haum tshaj plaws raws li qhov koj xav tau.
* Tej xovx wm no siv tau raug rau lub 9 hli ntuj xyoo 2024. Tab sis tej zaum kuj yuav muaj cov kev xav tau thiab xov xwm txog cov kev tshau txuj ntawv Askiv siv txawv thiab, yog li thiaj xav kom txheeb xyuas nrog nom tswv tej koom haum muaj feem xyuam.
Cov kev tshau txuj ntawv Askiv twg uas raug lees paub ntawm teb chaws Australia?
yeej lees paub tej zauv tshau txuj 5 hom coj los qhia tias seb ib tug neeg twg paub ntawv Askiv zoo npaum li cas raws li hauv qab no:
- - International English Language Testing System, uas suav cov One Skill Retake (OSR) nrog thiab,
- - Pearson Test of English,
- - Cambridge English (uas paub tias yog cov C1 Advanced),
- - Test of English as a Foreign Language (cov kev tshau txuj ntawv Askiv tam li yog hom lus ob),
- - Occupational English Test (hom kev tshau txuj ntawv Askiv no yog siv rau tej neeg ua hauj lwm kho mob).
Txawm tias ib cov kev tshau txuj no tej zaum kuj yuav muaj ntawm koj lub teb chaws los sis muaj xeem hauv online, los tej kev tshau txuj ntawm tej chaw li hais no yeej tsis raug tsoom fwv Australia lees paub. Thiab txhua cov kev tshau txuj no uav tsum tau mus xeem ntawm ib co chaw xeem uas rau ntseeg xwb.
Yuav siv cov kev tshau txuj (xeem) ntawv Askiv twg?
Cov kev xeem yog ib cov kev ntsuam tias koj nkag siab, hais tau tham tau, nyem tau, mloog tau thiab sau tau ntawv Askiv zoo npaum li cas.
Tab sis ib hom kev xeem twg nyias yeej txawv nyias, yog li ntawd koj yuav tau txheeb tej lus nug ntxiv no ua ntej koj yuav xaiv tias seb yuav siv hom kev xeem twg:
- Koj puas muaj peev xwm yuav nrog tus neeg xeem tham tim ntej tim muag?
- Koj puas xav xeem hauv ib daim ntawv los yog siv computer xeem?
- Raug tus nqe xeem npaum li cas?
- Puas muaj ib qho chaw xeem nyob ze koj?
- Thiab hom lus teb li cas yog cov lus teb uas yuav zoo dua rau koj?
Thiaj yog ib lub zoo tswv yim uas yuav tau txheeb xyuas txhua txoj xub ke uas koj xav xaiv xeem ua ntej koj yuav txiav txim siab mus xeem.
Cov kev xeem uas pom kiag xwb paub tias yuav xeem li cas
Yog koj xav pib txheeb, ces saib tau daim phiam ntxiv no uas yuav coj 4 hom kev xeem coj los sib piv.
Type | Paper or computer | Computer | Paper | Computer |
Length | 3 hours | 2 hours | 4 hours | 2 hours |
Format | Listening: 30 mins (plus 10 mins to transfer answers) Reading: 60 mins Writing: 60 mins Speaking: 11–14 mins | Speaking & Writing: 54-67 mins Reading: 30 mins Listening: 30 mins | Reading and Use of English: 1 hr 30 mins Writing: 1 hr 30 mins Listening: 40 mins Speaking: 15 to 23 mins | Reading: 35 mins Listening: 36 mins Speaking: 16 mins Writing: 29 mins |
Scoring | 0 (no attempt) to 9 (expert user) | 10-90 | 180-199 (C1 Level) | 0-120 |
Cost in AUD* | ||||
Australian test centres | Test centres | Test centres in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA |
* Tej nqe xeem uas siv rau lub 8 hli ntuj xyoo 2024 tam sim no thiab tej zaum kuj yuav hloov raws tej nyiaj sib pauv hloov, raws li tej nqe teev ntawm ib lub chaw xeem twg, los yog tej nqe ntawm ib thaj chaw twg. Thiaj xav koj koj yuav tau txheeb txog tej nqe no tas mus li ua ntej uas koj yuav teev zwm npe mus xeem.
Yog li ntawd ne ho puas muaj 1 hom los yog 2 hom ntawm cov kev xeem no yuav yog cov haum rau koj siv thiab? Nyeem tej xov xwm hauv qab no kom ntxaws thiab txheeb kom tob ntxiv txog cov hom kev xeem uas koj nyiam.

IELTS blocks Source: iStockphoto / Maks_Lab/Getty Images
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
ces yog ib co kev xeem ntawv Askiv uas yeej tau muaj siv txij xyoo 1989 los lawm thiab yeej muaj siv nthuav dav heev ntawm teb chaws Australia. Thiab muaj 2 hom: li xeem kis thuav dab thiab xeem tsi ntsees rau tej ntawv Askiv uas siv rau sab seem kev kawm (ua tib zoo xyuas kom paub tias koj xaiv tau cov kev xeem uas koj xav tau).
IELTS ces yuav txheeb 4 yam txuj cuam tshuam txog cov kev siv ntawv Askiv li: Mloog, Nyeem, Sau thiab Tham. Nyob rau cov kev xeem Mloog thiab Nyeem ces koj yuav tau teb 40 nqe lus nug. Nyob rau cov kev xeem Mloog ces koj yuav tau mloog 4 co suab kaw ua lus, thiab nyob rau cov kev xeem Nyeem ces koj yuav tau nyeem 3 sob ntawv (Askiv) ntev. Ces yog koj teb tau tej lus nug raug ntau npaum li cas nqe ces yuav ua rau koj tau cov zauv (score) zoo npaum li ntawd.
Nyob rau cov kev xeem Tham thiab Sau ntawv ces yog koj yuav tau tham thiab yuav tau sau ib yam dab tsi ntawm ntau yam sib txawv. Tsis tas li ntawd los yeej raug tej neeg xeem uas paub zoo txog tej hauj lwm no los txheeb seb kom tau cov zauv zoo npaum li cas raws li ib co ntsiab cai teev tseg.
Ib txhia ces yeej tau siv cov kev xeem ntawv Askiv IELTS ntau tshaj 1 zaug kom lawv tau cov zauv (score) zoo dua, tab sis kuj kim thiab. Tab sis kuj muaj xo zoo thiab uas tam sim no Australia lub tuam chav tswj tej dej num tsiv teb tsaws chaw thiab pej xeem (Australian Immigration and Citizenship Department) lees paub cov kev xeem rau qee yam visas lawm. IELTS OSR ces yog ib co kev xeem ntawv Askiv uas rov qab pub kom xeem ib co kev xeem twg ntawm IELTS rau lub sij hawm 2 hlis (60 hnub) txij hnub uas koj tau xeem, kom koj tsis txhob tau rov qab xeem tag nrho txhua cov kev xeem (ntawm 4 sab txuj li: Mloog, Nyeem, Sau thiab Tham) tab sis tsuas xeem ib yam twg uas koj tau cov zauv tsawg xwb.
Txawm tias IELTS yog ib hom kev xeem ntawv Askiv uas muaj neeg nyiam xeem tshaj plaws, los tsis yog txhua tus yuav siv cov kev xeem no thiab. Ib txhia yeej txhawj thiab ntshai tsis xav nrog cov neeg xeem tham tim ntsej tim muag, thiab cov kev xeem nyeem thiab sau los yeej ntev heev thiab. Tsis tas li ntawd los yus yuav tsum tau xeem kom tau zauv zoo tag nrho rau 4 phab txuj mas thiaj yuav tau tus zauv nrab zoo.
Txawm tias cov kev xeem IELTS yeej muaj xeem hauv computer thiab, los tsuas muaj cov kev xeem no tsawg tsawg ntawm ib co chaw xeem xwb thiab. Cov kev xeem IELTS hauv computer los yeej zoo tib yam li cov kev xeem hauv ntawv thiab tej tub kawm los yeej yuav tau nrog ib tug neeg xeem tham tim ntsej tim muag rau cov kev xeem tham lus thiab.

PTE - short for Pearson Tests of English Source: iStockphoto / Maks_Lab/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Pearson Test of English (PTE)
ces yog cov kev xeem ntawv Askiv uas siv coj los xeem tej neeg hais lus Askiv ua thawj hom lus, tab sis yuav tau xeem hauv computer xwb. Ces thiaj yog tej yam zoo rau tej neeg paub siv computer zoo thiab tsis xav nrog kiag tus neeg tseeb tham. Thiab Artificial Intelligence (AI) yog cov yuav los txheeb thiab muab tej zauv (score) rau yus, uas yeej siv cov algorithms uas sib chab sib chaws heev los txheeb cov kev xeem tiag tiag.
Ces koj tau zauv (score) thiaj tsuas nyob ntawm seb koj xeem tau tag nrho tej lus nug ntawd zoo npaum li cas. Thiab yeej muaj tej hauj lwm txij li ntawm 52 txog 64 yam rau koj ua thiab muaj 20 yam lus nug sib txawv coj los nug koj. Tej kev tshau txuj no yog coj los txheeb tias seb koj muaj tej txuj ci mloog, tham, nyeem thiab sau ntawv tau zoo npaum li cas. Ces qee cov kev xeem thiaj txheeb ntau tshaj ib yam txuj rau tib lub caij, piv txwv li txheeb cov txuj nyeem thiab tham los yog mloog thiab sau. Ces thiaj hu tias yog ib co txuj sib xyaw ntau yam.
Qee cov toom ntawm cov kev xeem ces tsuas yog tau cov zauv teb yooj yooj yim li raug los yog yuam kev xwb, hos lwm cov kev xeem li tham los yog sau ces seb koj tham los yog sau txog dab tsi, sau tau zoo li cas los yog tej yam ntxwv sau thiab tham zoo li cas. Ces lawv mam los txheeb tias seb ib co kev xeem twg koj xeem tau zoo npaum li cas los txiav txim uas tus zauv kawg.
- Content: Seb koj teb tau tej lus ntug txog ib yam dab tsi zoo npaum li cas.
- Form: Tej xov xwm ntxaws li yuav tsum sau kom tau peb tsawg lo lus raws li tau teev kom koj sau kom tau.
- Traits: Tej yeeb yam sau li cov kev siv tej lus, sau puas raug, siv puas raug raws tej kev cai siv ntawv thiab koj sau tau tej sob lus raws li cov kev teeb tsa ntawm ib sob lus zoo li cas.
Vim tias cov kev xeem no yog siv computer xeem xwb, ces thaum xeem sau ces koj yuav tau ntaus kom sai thiab ntau kom raug, yog li ntawd yog koj ntau tau ntawv ceev heev ces yuav yog tej yam tseem ceeb pab tau koj. Tsis tas li ntawd los kuj muaj ntau cov kev xeem uas yeej siv ntau yam txuj coj los txheeb uas tej zaum kuj yuav nyuaj, yog li thiaj xav kom sim xeem cov lus nug cuav ua ntej koj yuav mus xeem tiag tiag.

College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cambridge, United Kingdom Source: iStockphoto / HildaWeges/Getty Images
Cambridge English (CAE)
ces yog ib co kev xeem ntawv Askiv uas nto npe heev ntawm cheeb tsam Europe, uas yog xeem tau lawm ces yeej siv tau tag koj ib sim neej thiab kuj yuav muaj peev xwm pab koj koj ua hauj lwm nce qeb thiab. Tab sis nyob ntawm Australia no ces tsuas lees paub cov kev xeem CAE uas tau xeem tom qab hnub tim 12 lub 2 hlis ntuj xyoo 2024 yog thov visa los yog siv rau tej ntaub ntawv tsiv teb tsaws chaw tuaj rau Australia xwb.
Cov kev xeem CAE no los yeej xeem 4 toom sib txawv thiab. Thawj toom ces yog cov kev Nyeem thiab kev Siv ntawv Askiv, uas muaj 8 sob lus sib txawv thiab yuav tau teb 56 nqe lus nug, suav cov lus nug txog tej kev cai siv ntawv thiab cov lo lus. Hais txog toom kev xeem sau ces muaj 2 co lus nug: uas sau ib zaj lus txog ib yam dab tsi thiab sau ib yam dab tsi piv txwv li sau ib tsab email. Yog tham txog toom kev xeem Mloog lawm ces kuj muaj 4 toom ua yuav tau teb 30 nqe lus nug. Thiab cov kev xeem kawg uas yog cov kev Sib tham ces yog cov interview thiab sab laj sib tham txog tej duab nrog ib tug neeg los yog ob tug neeg thiab ob tug neeg xeem. Ces tej zaum cov kev xeem no kuj uas rau ib txhia neeg xeem txhawj thiab.
Hom kev xeem ntawv Askiv hu ua CAE no ces, ib toom kev xeem twg yeej raug xam ua ib co zauv (score) nws cais nws, ces mam li muab tag nrho tej zauv ntawv coj los siv ntxiv thiab xam raws tus zauv nrab. Ntxiv ntawd ces cov kev Nyeem thiab cov kev Siv ntawv Askiv yuav tau cov zauv tag nrho ntawm cov kev xeem txog li 40 feem pua, hos lwm toom kev xeem ces tsuas tau txog li 20 feem pua xwb. Yog li ntawd thiaj tseem ceeb heev uas koj yuav tau xeem kom tau zauv zoo rau cov kev xeem Nyeem thiab siv ntawv Askiv.
Thiab cov kev xeem no los yeej txawv lwm cov kev xeem, thiab yeej muaj Cambridge ib co kev xeem txheeb txij li theem Pre A1 Level (Basic - paub siv tau tej lus thiab ntawv Askiv yooj yooj yim) mus txog rau cov kev xeem theem C2 Level (Proficient - paub siv zoo heev). Thiab cov kev xeem CAE no ces yog cov kev xeem uas siv xeem tej neeg uas paub hais tau lus Askiv theem sib ntawm CEFR C1 level los yog piv rau IELTS ces tau cov zauv (score) txij 6.5 txog 8.0. Txhais tias tej zaum kuj yuav muaj cov lo lus nyuaj, tej kev cai siv ntawv nyuaj, thiab tej sob lus nyuaj. Ntxiv ntawd los dua ntawm tej hais no lawm tseem yog ib co kev xeem siv sij hawm ntev tshaj plaws txog 4 teev ces koj thiaj yuav tsum yog ib tug neeg tij lim tiag tiag rau ib lub caij ntev heev. Yog tias koj xav siv cov kev xeem ntawv Askiv hu ua CAE no, ces ua tib zoo xyuas kom koj paub txog kom theem txuj ntawv Askiv txog theem twg lawm uas ntej koj yuav pib siv cov kev xeem no.

Test of English as a Foreign Language Source: iStockphoto / Maks_Lab/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT)
Hom kev xeem ntawv Askiv no ces kuj muaj cov kev xeem tshiab hu ua , uas yeej lees paub rau cov kev siv los thov Australia tej visa thiab thov tsiv teb tsaws chaw tuaj rau Australia. Tab sis yuav tau mus xeem kiag ntawm ib lub chaw xeem uas tau txais kev tso cai xeem tau (tsis yog xeem hauv online) thiab tsis yuav tau ntawv pov thawj uas xeem tom qab tim 4 lub 5 hlis ntuj xyoo 2024 xwb. Ces thiaj yog ib co xo zoo rau tej tub kawm uas nyiam siv cov kev xeem TOEFL iBT uas tsuas xeem li 2 teev xwb thiab muaj tej lus teb uas ntau nqe lus rau yus xaiv teb.
Cov kev xeem ntawv Askiv hu ua TOEFL iBT los yeej muaj 4 toom kev xeem thiab li: Nyeem, Mloog, Tham thiab Sau. Tag nrho 4 cov kev xeem no ces xeem hauv ib lub computer twg xwb, thiab muaj qee cov kev xeem ces yeej yuav tau siv ntau yam txuj ua ke li nyeem thiab mloog txog ib yam dab tsi, ces mam li tham txog yam ntawd.
- Nyeem (Reading): Koj yuav tau nyeem 2 sob lus uas qhia ntawm tej teej kawm thiab teb 10 nqe lus nug rau ib sob lus twg, suav cov lus nug txog ib co lus twg nrog thiab.
- Mloog (Listening): Ces muaj 28 nqe lus nug ntawm 3 cov sob kawm uas lees kais qhia thiab 2 cov kev sib tham ntawm cov chav kawm.
- Tham (Speaking): Koj yuav tau ua 3 yam, li yuav tau piv ob co kev xaiv, tham txog tej yam uas koj swm, thiab qhia tias koj nkag siab txog ib co sob kawm twg.
- Sau (Writing): Koj yuav tau ua 2 yam li: coj ob sob lus los sib piv thiab sau ib co lus teb txog ib cov kev sib tham txog ib co kev kawm twg.
Ces ib toom kev xeem twg thiaj yuav tau cov zauv txog li 30 points, thiab mam muab coj los siv ntxiv ua ke tag nrho txog li 120 points. Tab sis AI yuav ua tus muab cov zauv rau cov kev xeem nyeem thiab mloog, hos yog cov kev tham lus ces yuav raug kaw cia thiab tib neeg mam los ua cov muab zauv tom qab, thiab cov kev xeem sau ces yog AI thiab tib neeg yog cov yuav los koom txheeb ua ke.
Thiaj pom tias muaj ib txhia neeg mus xeem pom tias cov kev xeem Mloog yog ib cov kev xeem nyuaj vim rau qhov yus tsuas hnov tej lus kaw tso rau yus mloog ntawd tib zaug xwb, ces yuav tau kub siab mloog tiag tiag, thiab yuav tau xav kom sai heev. Yog tham txog cov kev xeem Tham lawm ces kuj nyuaj thiab vim tsuas muaj sij hawm li 15-30 (feeb) seconds rau yus npaj teb ib nqe lus nug twg xwb, thiab vim tias lawv yuav kaw yus cov lus teb rau ib tug twg los saib tom qab ntxiv, ces thiaj yog tej yam ua rau ib txhia txhawj heev.
Sim xeem (Practice tests)
Ua ntej koj yuav txiav txim siab ua zaum kawg mus xeem ntawv Askiv, ces xav kom koj sim xeem ua ntej seb ib hom kev xeem twg puas haum rau koj tso. Thiab cov kev sim xeem no los kuj yog ib txoj xub ke zoo pab npaj koj thiab pab kom koj swm nrog tej kev xeem thiab hom lus nug uas koj yuav tau xeem thaum koj mus xeem tiag.
Nom yog qee cov kev xeem ntawm tej koom haum xeem ntawv Askiv uas koj muaj peev xwm pib sim xeem dawb:
- ces yeej muaj ntau yam twj thiab yeej muaj tej lus nug hauv computer los yog tej lus nug sau rau hauv ntaub ntawv rau yus sim xeem, thiab kuj muaj lub app hu ua uas yus nruab rau yus lub xov tooj thiab.
- los yeej muaj 5 nqe lus nug siv tau dawb qhia yus tias cov kev xeem tiag zoo li cas, thiab muaj lub uas muaj ntau yam rau yus tau kawm dawb thiab sim teb tej lus nug.
- ces yeej muaj tej lus nug ua digital thiab ua ntawv uas yus muaj peev xwm sim xeem piv txwv tau dawb.
- Hos cov kev xeem ntawv Askiv hu ua ces yeej muaj cov kev xeem piv txwv uas xeem ntev txog li 40 ntiag tiv thiab kuj muaj cov kev sim txwm rau yus qhib ib phau account nrog kom yus sim xeem tau thiab.
Ces tsis hais cov kev xeem twg uas yus txiav txim siab siv tiag li, yeej yuav tau ua tib zoo npaj kom yog, thiab paub tias yuav yuav tau ua dab tsi mas thiaj yuav ua tau tej hom phiaj tiav raws li qhov yus xav ua.
Mloog tau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) 6 pm, hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) 11 am, los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm , , thiab . Downloadthiab caum