Lub app coj los tiv thaiv kab mob COVID-19

Australia tus pwm tsav tswj kev noj qab hau huv, tsoom hwv Australia tus coj tswj kev noj qab haus huv, Australia lub koom haum tswj kev noj qab haus huv thiab lub koom haum tu thiab saib xyuas neeg mob tau los qhia txog cov kev siv lub COVIDSafe App (Tracing App) coj los tiv thaiv kom neeg Australia txhob kis tus kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19)

COVID Safe App

COVIDSafe App-Australian Department of Health. Source: Google Play

Txog rau hnub tim 28 April 2020 thaum sij hawm 14:45 teev ntawm teb chaws Australia no ces twb tau muaj neeg ze tshaj 2,4 million tus tau mus download lub COVIDSafe App siv lawm raws li Australia tus pwm tsav tswj kev noj qab haus huv tau qhia.

Thaum tav su dua hnub tim 26 April 2020 sij hawm 3 pm AEDT (15:00), tau muaj Australia tus tus pwm tsav Greg Hunt uas tswj cov dej num tswj kev noj qab haus huv, Dr Branden Murphy uas yog Australia Chief Medical Officer, nrog rau Dr Tony Bartone uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Australian Medical Association, Annie Butler uas yog tus coj lub koom haum Nursing & Midwifery Federation, thiab Daniel Casey uas yog tus coj lub koom haum tswj tej xov xwm cuam tshuam txog kev kho mob tau mus kooom nrog tus pwm tsav tswj kev noj qab haus huv Greg Hunt los qhia txog cov kev yuav coj lub COVIDSafe App coj los siv.
Mr Hunt qhia tias lub app no muaj cov hom phiaj coj los pov puag neeg Australia txoj sia thiab tiv thaiv kom txhob muaj neeg Australia kis tau tus kab mob COVID-19 no ntxiv. Ua ke no kuj yog los pov puag Australia tej neeg kho mob txhua nrho txoj sia pab ntxiv rau cov kev txwv tsis pub tej neeg nyob sib ze los yog sib sau coob ua ke ntawd, thiab pab txheeb seb tej neeg kis tau tus mob no ho puas mus nyob nrog lwm tus neeg ntev txog li ntawm 15 ntiag tiv.
Stop the spread of COVID-19
Xau tus mob COVID-19 cov kev sib kis-Australian Department of Health-Google Play Source: Google Play
Tej no yog ib co hauv kev coj los pab ntxiv rau cov kev sim uas tso cai nthuav dav rau tej neeg kom muaj peev xwm mus sim seb lawv puas kis tus kab mob COVID-19 no, uas nom tswv twg yeej tau kub sib los nrog txheeb xyuas tej neeg kis tau tej mob no thiab ceev thiab tswj tej neeg no cai lawv thiab kho lawv kom txhob mus kis tau rau lwm tus uas nom tswv yeej tau xyuas tam sim no lawm.

Nws tau qhia tias lub COVID SAFE app no yog ib lub uas encoded thiab encrypted khaws cia rau ntawm tus tswv siv lub xov tooj ntawd xwb yuav tsis pub faib rau lwm tus tsis muaj cai siv tau.
Safeguard your identity
Pov puag koj lub cim thawj-Australian Department of Health-Google Play Source: Google Play
Tsuas yog thaum yus tuaj yeem pom zoo download los siv xwb mas tej xov xwm no thiaj yuav raug xa mus rau tej nom tswv tswj kev noj qab haus huv ntawm lub xeev yus nyob siv, kom paub tias seb tus neeg kis tau tus mob COVID-19 no los yog yus puas ho mus nyob sib ze nrog rau tej neeg uas kis tau tus mob no kom tiv thaiv tau tej neeg txhob kis tus mob no ntau tuaj ntxiv xwb. Tab sis yuav coj los siv tsi ntsees rau tej laus los yog cov hluas xwb yuav tsis siv rau tej me nyuam yaus.

Tsab cai no yuav pov puag tej neeg ntiaj tug cov . Tsuas siv Bluetooth xwb tsis siv cov Global Positioning System (GPS) los yog geolacation lis Google Earth uas los soj tus tswv siv lub xov tooj ntawd vim tsuas siv bluethooth kom paub tias seb ib tug neeg kis tau tus mob COVID-19 puas nyob ze lwm tus neeg ntev li 15 ntiag tiv xwb.

Tab sis qhov tseem ceeb tshaj mas yog tsis yuam ib tug twg kom siv (voluntary), tsuas tso cai ywj pheej rau tej neeg Australia seb leej twg pom zoo siv, ces nws mam mus download ntawm thiab coj los siv xwb.

Thiab yuav pib tso rau tej neeg mus download los siv tau txij sij hawm 18:00 (6 pm AEDT) hnub tim 26.04.2020 no mus.

Health Minister Greg Hunt hais tias yuav tsum tau txais kev tso cai pom zoo 4 yam li hauv qab no los ntawm tus tswv xov tooj uas pom zoo download lub app no coj los siv xws li:

  • Tus neeg download lub app no siv yuav tsum qhia nws tus zauv xov tooj rau nom tswv thaum teev zwm npe
  • Yuav tsum qhia nws lub npe siv npe
  • Yuav tsum tau qhia seb nws muaj hnoob nyoog li cas
  • Yuav tsum qhia seb nws tus postcode li cas
Minister Hunt qhia tias yeej tau tsim tsab cai coj los pov puag tsis tso cai rau leej twg siv tau tej xov xwm (data) ntawm lub app no li, txawm tsev hais plaub kiag los tsis muaj cai yuam kom ib tug twg qhia tej xov xwm no rau lwm tus thiab yuav tsis pub coj mus siv ua lwm yam dua ntawm cov kev tswj kom txhob muaj neeg kis tau tus mob COVID-19 no nkaus xwb.
You control your information
Koj yog tus tswj koj tej xov xwm-Australian Department of Health-Google Play Source: Google Play
Tej xov xwm ntawm lub app no yuav raug khaws cia nrog rau lub tuam chav Information of Medical Office ntawm tej nom tswv tswj kev noj qab haus huv ntawm tej xeev hauv teb chaws Australia no xwb thiab tsis pub rau lwm tus coj mus siv hlo li, yog tseem yuam cai thiab ces tus neeg ntawd yuav raug coj mus kaw tsev laj cuj. Yuav khaws cov data no hauv teb chaws Australia xwb tsis pub khaw cia txawv teb chaws. Thiab tom qab tej xwm txheej kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) dhau mus lawm ces nom tswv yuav muab tej xov xwm (data) no lwv pov tseg kom tag.

Koj muaj peev xwm mus txheeb xyuas tau lub  tau ntawm tsoom hwv Australia lub vas sab. Los yog koj mus txheeb tau xov xwm txog  tau tib yam.

Txhua tus neeg ntawm teb chaws Australia yuav tsum nyob kom nrug ntawm lwm tus neeg deb li 1.5 metres, thiab nom tswv tsuas pub 2 tug neeg ua ke xwb tsuas yog tias ntshe tej neeg ntawd ho yog koj tsev neeg los yog koj yim neeg uas yog tib lub tsev ua ke xwb.

Yog koj ntseeg tias tej zaum koj kis tau tus kab mob virus no lawm, txhob mus ntsib koj tus kws kho mob tab sis hu mus nrog koj tus kw kho mob tham los yog hu mus rau lub koom haum National Coronavirus Health Information Hotline tus xov tooj 1800 020 080. Thiab yog koj txog txog siav ua tsis tau pa thiab mob hnyav heev ces hu rau tus xov tooj 000 thov kev pab cuam tau.

SBS yeej kub siab los qhia tej xov xwm tshiab txog cov kab mob coronavirus (COVID-19) ua 63 hom lus rau Australia tej neeg zej zog. Yog koj xav paub txog ntau yam xov xwm ua ntau hom lus ces koj mus txheeb xyuas tau ntawm thiab txheeb xyuas tau cov xov xwm no ua ntawv Hmoob thiab lus Hmoob ces mus saib tau ntawm SBS Hmong, los yog mus txheeb tau ntawm Department of Home Affairs.

Mloog tau SBSHmong rau hnub zwj Teeb (Thursday) thaum 6 pm AEDT thiab hnub zwj Hnub (Sunday) thaum 11 am AEDT los yog koom tau ntxiv ntawm SBS Hmong Facebook thiab subscribe los sis yog download thiab mloog tau ntau cov podcasts (xov xwm ua suab) ntawm google podcasts, spotify, thiab apple podcasts los yog download SBS Radio App kom koj mloog tau SBS Hmong.

Published 26 April 2020 7:40pm
Updated 28 April 2020 3:06pm
By Vixay Vue

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